Sunday, August 25, 2024

May 2024


Building a shelter

Forest School Celebration


Isaac's USA soccer team

Orchestra concert

Choir and Band concerts on the same night

Mother's Day

Tulip Time Kinderparade

Tulip Time 5k

-Nate, Caleb, Isaac, Stephen and Lexi ran the Tulip Time 5k

-It was a rainy and cold Tulip Time Kinderparade this year. Isaac and Lexi were our only kids in the parade this year.

-Nate had a PET scan on April 10 and we finally got the results on May 9 that Nate's cancer had returned. 

-Isaac had a band concert and Julia had her choir concert- divide and conquer. 

-Lexi played in her first orchestra concert

-Stephen auditioned for a part in the summer children's production of Once Upon a Mattress (The Princess and the Pea story) and was excited to get the Wizard role. 

-Stephen's 5th grade class was the first HC Forest School class and they had a celebration in the forest to recognize the end of their Forest School journey. Who would have thought this kind of crazy sounding idea in kindergarten would turn into six great years?

April 2024


Market Day

Birthday presents

Happy 10th Birthday!

Celebrating Enedina's bday a little later

Melody, Lexi and Keira

Cousins in motion

Star Wars lego 

The lego dragon in Disney Springs

Easter dinner

Visiting the Custers in Atlanta

Julia went to NYC

Isaac high jumping

-We drove to Orlando for spring break. We stayed with the Custers on the way down. We picked up Isaac from the band trip and rented a house for a couple days. We found a church to attend on Easter morning and ended up being overflowed to a tent outside with a tv feed of the service to watch, as the service was so full. We had our Easter dinner poolside. We spent most of the trip relaxing at the house-swimming, watching the Harry Potter marathon on TV, and playing games. I took the kids to Disney Springs for a morning and our family ate out at Joe's Crab Shack. Tim and Jenny's family were staying in Orlando so we spent a day together. Gloriana and TY and Dave and Kate were also in town, so we got together for an evening- we hadn't seen each other in a long time! We decided to drive back home thru the night. I took the day shift, Nate drove thru the night with Isaac staying awake for company. Driving thru the night is not our favorite, but we got it done.

-Isaac began his track season. He usually ran the 100 meter and 200 meter dash and did high jump. He hit his personal high jump record this season at 5'10. 

-Julia started doing some weekend shifts at Dutch Village

-Julia went to NYC with the WOHS choirs. She experienced so many things in a couple of days-Rockefeller Center, Chinatown, the Met, 9/11 memorial, Statue of Liberty, singing at a church and two Broadway shows- Wicked and The Outsiders.  

-We celebrated Lexi's 10th birthday with family and an ice cream cake. She got a Minecraft Switch game, flair pens, deodorant and a box of mac and cheese. I promise she put those last two items on her list. Lexi still loves mac and cheese. Lexi is still an all-in Forest School kid. She loves summertime and playing with neighbor kids for hours. Lexi loves it when her older siblings play games with her. Lexi works hard in school, loves her friends and brings spunk and silliness to our family. We love you Lexi!

-Lexi had market day at school. She made and sold pet bandanas. And this is our 5th and LAST market day ever! 

-Caleb finished up his freshman year and moved home for the summer. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

March 2024


Church derby car races

Musical theater class 

Last meal with Tim and Jenny's family

Celebrating Julia's 15th birthday

Siblings playing a game together

Stephen's first band concert and Isaac's last

-Caleb was home for his spring break. The kids enjoy having him home and it's fun to see their interactions together.

-We celebrated Julia's 15th birthday! She chose turtle cheesecake for her dessert. She got some clothes, a water bottle and some makeup she was wanting. Julia has shown courage and perseverance this year.  She is at a new school with new people and she is taking it in stride. She has put herself out there so she could make new friends. She is doing fantastic academically. She is learning how to drive. She found a part time job for the summers. What a year this has been Julia! We love you and we love watching you grow! 

-Stephen and Lexi did running club a couple times/week after school. 

-We had our Soul Kids derby car races. This was Stephen's last year.

-HC had their elementary spring music program. Stephen and Lexi sang songs with their classes. 

-HC band department had their spring concert. This was Isaac's last year playing the French horn as he wants more room in his schedule for AP classes next year. This was Stephen's first band concert. 

-We had Tim and Jenny's family over for supper before they moved away. 

-Stephen's musical theater class performed pieces from Newsies

-Isaac started USA soccer practices

-Isaac left for Florida with HC's band and orchestra. They perform in Disney and spend a couple of days at the parks. 

February 2024


Isaac and friends at the winter dance

Isaac and friends skiing weekend

Nate, Stephen and Lexi went skiing

Lunar New Year dinner

Julia got her driver's permit

New furniture

Julia and her friend at the winter dance

-Isaac and Julia had winter dances at their schools

-We celebrated the Lunar New Year with our favorite Korean and Chinese dishes

-Julia got her driver's permit!

-Some of the family did snow skiing over winter break

-Stephen played indoor soccer

-Julia continued attending Young Life


January 2024


Celebrating Mom's 70th Birthday

Walking around Mission Point Lighthouse

Getaway in Traverse City

Snow hill as tall as our house and sunshine in January!

Celebrating my 45th birthday

Watching the Packers

We learned how to make sushi

And we need some banket for dessert

-Caleb returned to GVSU for his second semester

-Julia is done with the orthodontist! Three kids done!

-Isaac played indoor soccer

-Julia went to some WO hockey games with friends

-Stephen had his musical theater class

-Julia and Isaac had their first semester exams and did fantastic

-Lexi continued lessons with her Mandarin tutor, Lexus

-Nate and I went away with the Gabrielse to Traverse City for a relaxing weekend

-We celebrated my 45th birthday

-We celebrated Mom's 70th birthday!

-Julia did Segment 1 for driver's education

-We went to an all school roller skating party and Lexi won the limbo