Monday, September 6, 2021

Backpacking - June 2021

I don't write here very often, but I have done a few posts in years past following our Dad/kid backpacking trips.  So here goes... Stephen, Lexi, and I (Dad) spent 2 nights and 3 days on the Manistee River trail with Kai and his dad.  On the first day we started at Red Bridge and camped at one of our favorite sites overlooking the river.  It was about a five mile hike and the weather was gorgeous. Lexi and Stephen both had to carry heavy packs for all of our stuff.  We spent the evening setting up camp, swimming in the river, pumping water, and attempting to cook pita pizzas over an open fire.  The next day was a harder hike as we all started with sore shoulders and tired legs.  But we made it past the 'water fall' to our next site which was about another 4 miles.  After a little RnR in the afternoon, the kids explored the shoreline looking for frogs, crayfish, and other creatures.  Lexi and Kai spent hours poking and prodding the fire with sticks.  After a spaghetti dinner and several rounds of Kings in the Korner, we finished the evening with Mr. Peterson's famous campfire stories.  Day 3 was much easier as we left our packs on the riverbank and only had a short walk up to the canoe launch site. We spent the morning canoeing / kayaking back down to Red Bridge.  Stephen was an expert with the kayak, even through the rapids.  Lexi and Kai also took their turns paddling on their own.  It ended up quite warm by the time we were done and the last few miles of the river gets quite slow.  By the end of the trip we were all exhausted and quite happy to find an ice cream place on the way home to celebrate. 

My two forest kids were quite comfortable exploring the woods.  It was great watching them get pushed a little harder than they are used to and see that they can accomplish hard things.  It was nostalgic for Jim and I remembering the same style trip with our older children.  What a blessing it was for us to be able to re-create it with the next generation.
Ready to go
Three amazing hikers
Chilling after a long hike
These two spent hours doing exactly what you see here
Hiking partners
The start of our canoe trip

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