Yesterday was a great day and I felt very confident as a mother. Nate worked a night shift so he went to bed as I was getting up at 6:30 am to feed Isaac. I got the boys and myself clean, fed, and to church on time! Never mind I got up at 6:30 for a 10 am service.:) What a feeling of accomplishment! In the afternoon, some women in my church threw us a baby shower! I was very touched by the number of people who came and we received some cute gifts. They even gave Caleb some gifts, very sweet. My Mom came out for the shower as well, lots of fun.
Of course, today starts out totally different! Caleb seems to know when I'm feeding Isaac in the morning and get up right then demanding breakfast.:) Later, both boys are crying inconsolably. I'm trying to figure out how to use a sling I was given for Isaac, but he screams even more. I wanted to lock myself in the bathroom until they stopped crying! Thankfully, that didn't last too long. However, I went to the grocery store with the boys for the first time-another accomplishment!
I was thinking yesterday about some "laws of motherhood." Like
-the baby always spits up on the cute outfit you just put on before walking out the door
-the toddler has to use the bathroom or is dying of starvation as soon as the baby starts nursing
I could think of more, but I thought it would be fun to hear some of your "laws of motherhood"!