Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May pictures

With my boys on Mother's Day
Don't remember what he was looking at:)
What life usually looks like, children hanging on me!
Caleb's preschool graduation
St. Paul Lutheran preschoolers

Nate is always saying I need to put more pictures on the blog, so here they are.:) Caleb had fun at his graduation tonight. He was up there singing loud and enjoyed running around the gym with his friends afterwards. Ah, childhood days!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summer is coming!

I want to start by saying, I love this warm weather! It is so great to take the kids outside everyday. This past winter was quite difficult for me and being able to take the kids outside has made a big difference!

Caleb is in his last week of preschool. Where did the year go? He has his preschool graduation tomorrow night. That just makes me laugh. I'm nervous about what we're going to do this summer with him. I'm sure we'll figure out a new routine though. I think we've figured out what Caleb is doing next year for school. We're planning on sending him to Grace Christian School for the Young 5's program. It's an all day program. Grace is about 25 minutes south of us, but thankfully we've found someone to carpool with! We had the kindergarten teacher at Grace test him and she recommended he do the Young 5's program. The kindergarten program is a little crazy at Grace. They want the kids to be at least 5 1/2 by September and basically the learning material is 1st grade level. So, if we had left Caleb at his current school he would have been in kindergarten next year, but we know that eventually we want Caleb at Grace. So, we just have to swallow our pride and not send him to kindergarten next year.:)

Life has also been changing for Cardale. Ryan and Jenn (she has the Still Cross Photography blog) are in the process of getting their foster care license. We're trying to have Cardale visit with them every weekend. Cardale can not spend the night at their house yet, but hopefully that will be allowed in the next couple of weeks. They may have their license by the end of June/early July and then Cardale can move in with them! The hearing to terminate his parent's rights is scheduled for June 11. Keep praying that termination goes through without any problems. It still makes me sad that we're praying for Cardale to be permanently separated from his Mom, but I truly believe that is in his best interest. Moving between two families is getting a little stressful for Cardale. His struggles are completely normal though and thankfully he won't remember any of this when he's older. Please keep all of us in your prayers as we transition Cardale to his new family!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Baby girls

We have new twin nieces! Reuben and Tessa had twin baby girls, Gwendolyn and Isadora. Gwen was born at 11:50 pm on May 7 and Isa was born at 12:10 am on May 8. They'll probably appreciate having different birthdays as they get older.:) They are fraternal twins, but I guess it's hard to tell them apart right now. So, Reuben and Tessa have 6 kids under the age of 8, pray for them!:)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday Fun

The 7 kids (kind of in one place)
Caleb and Wesley

Nate was off today and because he's such a good guy he agreed to help me babysit this morning. We watched two boys, ages 2 and 4. So we had 5 boys running around here. We then took them to the park and also brought two other kids. Nate and I were watching 7 kids under the age of 4 years old.:) Thankfully everyone had fun and no one was injured.

Nate had "the test" this past week and he passed! This was test he had to take after the past 18 months of training. Since he passed his test, his company will let him take the Nuclear Regulatory Commission test in one month. Once he passes that test, he will officially be a Senior Reactor Operator. So he just needs to keep studying for the next month. Please keep him in your prayers, this final test is a really big deal.

You have also probably received my invitation for the Tastefully Simple online party. We are using the party as an adoption fundraiser. We would greatly appreciate it if you would spread the word among your family and friends too! The more people who buy, the more successful the fundraiser!