Monday, February 4, 2013

The rest of January

Cute grin

Showing off the shirt Aunt Steph gave him

6 week pictures

Jenn did a great job with the pictures!

Hey cutie

Sporting a mohawk for crazy hair day at school

Cool hair dude

Brotherly love

Isaac practicing his photography

34 years young

Mmm, cake

Big sister
How does time move so fast?  I've meant to update the blog multiple times, but finding a quiet moment is hard these days!  Stephen is 11 weeks old today.  And to celebrate he slept 7 hours straight last night!  I fed him at 10 pm and he woke up at 6:15 am.  Let's hope he continues this pattern.  Stephen will drink formula now which is great.  It's nice to have a little more flexibility.  He follows us with his eyes and moves around excitedly when we talk to him.  His baby smiles and laughs are adorable.  He's losing a little hair, but not much.  Everyone comments on how much hair he has.  He had his 2 month checkup and is doing well.  He is 13 lbs which puts him in the 75th percentile.  His height fell into the 25th percentile which is surprising.  However, I think he was measured too long at birth because none of the nurses came up with 21 inches at his follow-up visits. 

I celebrated my birthday on the 17th.  Nate took me out to dinner a couple days beforehand.  We went to Boatwerks which is right on the water.  I'm sure it's busy in the summer, but not in the winter.  Nate had to work nights on my birthday, but he made supper before he left- very sweet.  I made my favorite strawberry angel food cake.  I don't feel any different at 34, maybe more tired! 

We finally have snow and in came in force.  We've had 3 snow days in the last 2 weeks.  The snow is piled up into a hill in our cul de sac which the kids think is awesome.  Last week the snow was melting so the city came and took our snow hill away before the next big snowstorm.  Isaac and Julia watched the trucks despairingly.  "Why are they taking our snowhill away?!"  Thankfully it snowed the next day so all was well.  Nate took the kids sledding at Zeeland Christian School.  It has a good size hill that is still easy for the kids to walk up.  Nate took the boys snowskiing a couple weeks ago.  Caleb does great on his own.  Isaac was off the harness, but Nate still skiied close to him.  Isaac has a tendency to point his skis straight down the hill and see how fast he can go.

Caleb was very helpful last week.  I had to feed Stephen during the kids normal breakfast time.  Caleb got all of the cereal stuff out and fed his siblings breakfast.  He even made Julia's toast with nutella.  I was impressed and thankful!  I should start a weekly piece called "Julia's quotes from the pulpit."  The pastor does a kids sermon in front of church every week.  Julia now has to sit next to the pastor, even if that means squeezing in where there is no spot.  She has also discovered that the whole congregation laughs at everything she says- "ooh, I have an audience now!"  She can't help but answer every question the pastor asks and interject comments whether they are relevant or not.  One week the pastor asked what nicknames parents called the kids.  Julia said, "My Dad calls me Daughter."  Which Nate usually says in his "I mean business" voice.  The next week the pastor said "what would we do without families?"  He wasn't really asking the question but Julia piped up and said, "Get a babysitter!"  This week the pastor was showing the kids sign language for a Bible verse.  Julia interjected and told him how he could do the motion differently.  The pastor was then talking about Jesus dying on the cross and I was holding my breath.  Julia is fascinated by blood these days and often says, "Jesus died on the cross and there was blood. And did you know there was blood?"  I was just waiting for her to make a blood comment, but thankfully none came.  One other comment from Julia happened during Stephen's doctor appointment.  The Dr. was asking Julia questions about the baby and asked, "what makes Stephen cry?"  Without skipping a beat Julia said, "when I punch him."  I couldn't believe it.  I maintained a calm face, re-asked the question and she gave an appropriate response- "when he is tired, hungry, etc."  The Dr. glanced at me during this exchange, but thankfully she has interacted with our family enough to not be concerned.  Nate was joking that protective services is going to show up at our door now.  Never a dull moment around here.