Friday, May 23, 2008

9 Months Old

Isaac turned 9 months old last week. Today he had his 9 month check-up. He is 28 3/4 inches tall (75th%) and 23 lbs (85th%). Everything is looking good. I am going to take him in for a blood draw which should give us an idea of what he's allergic to. I'm not a big fan of the trial and error method. I just want to know what he can and can't eat! Isaac has grown alot in the past month; crawling, pulling himself up, cruising along furniture (slowly), and imitating sounds. The other day I was vacuuming and he crawled to the vacuum while it was on. I was shocked! Caleb was always scared of the vacuum and still goes in the other room when it is on.:) Isaac is a mischievious, but sweet little boy.

In other news, I played my sax this past weekend! This was the first time I have played in public in 4 years. I guess I came out of retirement.:) I played in church with the praise team. Thankfully no solos which made the experience less stressful. I really had fun playing again. I won't be playing with the praise team regularly, that is too much of a time commitment. But, maybe a couple times a year-we'll see!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A First for Me!

I did it! I ran my first 5K today! I went into the race expecting to run part of it, but not the whole thing. I haven't run 3 miles since my sophomore year of college. I'm not sure what my time was, it was about 33 minutes I think. Once I hit the 2 mile mark I thought about walking alot, but I kept playing scenarios in my mind. Like, it's not as impressive to say I only ran part of the 5K, or my kids are being held hostage at the finish line and I have to keep running to get them, or look at all these old people and kids running past you-don't you dare walk!:) I also kept thinking about Bible verses that talk about running the race. I really wanted to quit at the end and my asthma wasn't helping, but Nate came back after he finished and ran the last bit with me.

Which leads me to say, I need to mention my husband's accomplishments as well! This was Nate's first race in 10 years. He ran cross-country in high school, but hasn't had any races since then. He ran really well! I was impressed. We have been "training" for the 5K by running on the treadmill at the gym. We both agreed we forgot how hard it is to run outside! The 5K was a fundraiser for an agency called Lory's Place. It is a center for grieving children and their families, if they've had a loved one die or so forth. It is a really great place.

So that is our accomplishment for today! I am now going to eat whatever I want for the rest of the day.:)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Look at Me!

My little helper
Caleb wanted a picture of him singing, "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" (Veggie Tales)
Isaac showing off for the camera

Isaac is pulling himself up now. Caleb actually found Isaac standing up first and was telling me to "Come quick! Isaac is standing!" I knew he was getting close, but it was still surprising to walk into the room and see him standing there grinning at me. He has the standard crawl down and is pretty quick. He is fascinated by electric cords, magazines, chewing on wood, electric outlets, trash cans, chewing on shoes, and pulling heavy things on top of himself. Why do we even buy toys?:)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

So, I've been "tagged"

A different kind of post. I have never been tagged before in blog world so here we go......

I am: a Christian, wife, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend
I think: things to death! I way over-analyze
I know: life goes fast
I want: chocolate and a chai latte
I wish: my kids would fall asleep
I hate: making bad parenting decisions
I miss: our NY friends
I fear: not making a difference
I feel: sleepy
I hear: my kids banging around in their beds and not taking a nap, grrr
I smell: spring outside
I crave: control
I search: for parenting wisdom
I regret: that I procrastinate
I love: God, my family, friends, dessert, reading books
I ache: for abused/orphaned kids
I care: about hurting people
I always: want people to like me. I know, I need to get over it
I am not: in a great mood right now
I believe: in God's faithfulness
I dance: only at weddings
I sing: with my kids
I cry: easily. When I'm mad, sad, happy, etc
I fight: for my marriage and family
I write: in my blog and prayer journal
I win: at remembering song lyrics (it's very hard to beat Nate at any game:) )
I lose: my train of thought
I never: want to see loved ones in pain
I confuse: everyone:)
I listen: to 91.3-Christian radio station
I can usually be found: with my kids
I am scared: of snakes, thunderstorms, and sleeping alone when Nate works 3rd shift
I need: my kids to go to sleep (notice a trend yet?)
I am happy about: my life
I hope: that my children grow up loving God and that they go to sleep in the next 5 minutes:)

I'm not going to pick on anyone specific, but anyone who has a blog feel free to copy this to your blog and write your own answers.