Isaac is 6 months old! He had his well-child visit today and everything looks great. He is 21 lbs (95th percentile) and 27 3/4 inches (85th percentile). Isaac is almost exactly the same size as Caleb at 6 months. It is rather uncanny how similar the two boys are in looks. Even people who didn't know Caleb as a baby comment on how similar they look. Nate and I are starting to joke that they are twins, just three years apart.:)
I asked the Dr. about Isaac's skin issues. His mouth area broke out in a rash the other day when I gave him yogurt. The Dr. said he might be sensitive to milk products right now just because of his young age. She said to wait 6 more months and see what happens. I'm going to try some soy formula soon. Anyone have a brand suggestion?
Isaac is officially out of the infant car seat, very sad day. He probably should have been moved out of it about a month ago. But, it was so convenient to carry him around in it and he could take naps easily. Never mind that you needed to have super-human strength to lug him around.:) He is making progress at night. I feed him at 7 pm and he sleeps til 6 am. My goal is to get him to 7 am, 6 am is still too early! His nap schedule is still hit and miss- mostly my fault though. We have something planned most mornings, so he doesn't get a consistent morning nap. I struggle with whether I should give up activities in the morning, or just figure he'll never nap like Caleb did and adapt to something different. He pretty much takes 3 shorter naps a day. He is nursing every 4 hours now and eats food 3 times a day.
Sorry for all of these boring stats, they are mostly for the benefit of interested family members!:)