Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Family Visits

Painting the baby's room- his writing is looking good!

Caleb and Isaac enjoying our huge leaf pile

Carving with Grandma J- can you tell Isaac was sick that weekend?

Caleb is in the bunny ears stage

Cool pumpkin innards


Colleen, Ashley, Abby and myself climbing steps at Mt. Pisgah in Holland

Julia and Ashley

Uncle Mike could wrestle for hours

Halloween with Morrison and Gross families
October has been a fun month!  I had asked Nate for some time at the house without the kids before the baby came. He took the kids to my parent's house for two nights and it was great!  I had some friends over one evening.  We had appetizers and desserts and just enjoyed chatting.  Everyone left by 9:30 pm- we are party animals!  The kids had a good time with my parents.  They went to a pumpkin farm where they did a corn maze, saw some animals and picked out pumpkins which they carved with my parents.  It was odd to have such a quiet house.  I enjoyed it and I had the chance to miss my kids which is good- I don't often have that opportunity!

Stephanie visited which was a treat!  She got a new job in Denver so she used up her vacation time from her old job.  The kids were off from school so we went to the Grand Rapids Children's Museum.  Caleb is almost too old for it now, but it was still fun.  The next day Steph took the kids to Crazy Bounce which they love.  I think she was pretty sore after bouncing.  I enjoyed just spending time with my sister for a couple days.

Last week Colleen and her kids visited.  Mike was taking the Professional Engineer test in Grand Rapids and came down once that was done.  The kids had alot of fun with their cousins.  It was a good kind of crazy having an 8, 5,4,3,2 year old and 5 month old in the house.  While our kids were in school one morning Nate and I went on a walk with Colleen and her kids.  The weather was amazing- 70 degrees!  We climbed the steps of a sand dune called Mt. Pisgah which has a beautiful view of Lake MI- especially with the fall colors.  We didn't go many other places because someone was always napping.  They did watch Caleb's last soccer game with us- it was cold!  The kids love playing with Uncle Mike, he can chase and wrestle non-stop.  It is always nice when family visits!

For Halloween we went down to South Haven and trick-or-treated with friends.  It was cold and rainy so we didn't last long.  We then went to our old church, Hope Reformed, for some indoor games.  We're all thankful for chances to spend time with our old friends again.  Caleb was a ninja, Isaac a pirate and Julia a bunny this year.  Isaac looked like the hulk because he had his winter jacket on under his costume.  Julia loved trick-or-treating.  She is my child that loves chocolate and she was so excited that people were just giving her candy.  She also used her cuteness to her advantage.  They would give her one piece than she would kind of look at the candy bowl and look up at them with a questioning look.  And they usually gave her another piece.  Of course this all happened before I could catch up to her at the door!  We had such a fun evening that Isaac passed out during the car ride home and Caleb must have been on a sugar buzz because he couldn't stop singing the "move it, move it" song from Madagascar.  Good times.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Nate's Birthday

Nate's Mom was able to celebrate with us

No cake please, but homemade cinnamon rolls

Gardeners helping Grandma

Such a cute picture

Having fun with Grandma

I am struggling with keeping the blog updated.  By the time the kids are in bed I just want to relax and not think!  But, I will regret not recording memories. 

Nate's 33rd birthday was September 25 and it was the last day his Mom was with us.  Not very often she gets to celebrate with Nate!  Actually Nate worked until 7 pm, we had cinnamon rolls, opened presents, got the kids in bed and then Mom had to leave.  Unfortunately birthdays can be anti-climatic as an adult.  At least it was a better birthday than last year when something broke at the plant- which he called the scariest day of his life. Which then led to this last less than stellar year at the plant.  We all love Nate very much and are so blessed by him! 

Nate's Mom stayed with us for 5 days and it was great.  The kids had so much fun doing crafts, reading books, and playing outside with her.  Mom also helped me organize our toys, no small feat!  She got to spend time in Caleb and Isaac's classrooms which they thoroughly enjoyed.  And Mom had great things to say about their new school which makes me happy.  The day after Mom left I got hit with the 24 hour stomach flu.  Figures I get sick after the help leaves!  However, I was very relieved that she didn't get sick too.  Actually no one else in our house got it, guess it's just my weakened pregnancy immune system.  It's probably the worst feeling to be sick in the bathroom with your kids pounding on the door saying, "MOM! I need help!!" and all you can do is gasp out, "I am sick, leave me alone!"  Ah, motherhood memories.

I took the kids to a sibling class at the hospital.  I remember going when I was 8 years old before my sister was born.  We colored a picture that was hung on her bassinet after she was born.  So I guess I had warm, fuzzy memories of the sibling class and wanted the same for my kids.  We walked into the room and all of the kids were about 2 years old.  Caleb just looked at me like, "seriously Mom?"  And the fact that I was the only one there with 3 kids, everyone else was expecting their second child.  The instructor was trying hard to engage Caleb, probably would have been better if she just left him alone.  She tells all the kids to pick up a realistic looking baby doll and feed it with a bottle.  Caleb picks up the doll by its foot and dangles it in front of him.  Isaac was holding his by the neck.  Julia was totally into it, cradling the baby and giving it the bottle.  The kids then had to practice changing the diaper and swaddling the doll.  Oh it was funny watching the boys.  Caleb was proud of how he propped the bottle up so the baby could feed itself.  Julia kept wanting to change the diaper over and over.  The kids were interested in looking into the real baby nursery.  We don't see tiny babies like that often.  So who knows what kind of memories my kids will have of the sibling class?

I am now 32 weeks and time is flying!  I really need to get some pregnancy pictures of myself.  I have to admit, I'm looking good this pregnancy.  Granted I'm not done, but it must be because I'm running around after 3 kids!  The baby is not as active as he was a couple weeks ago, but I think that is because his space is limited now.  It was fun to go through the baby clothes and remember Caleb and Isaac wearing them.  We still need to paint the baby's room.  I would also like to get a bunch of meals in the freezer.  We have a feeling I'll go into labor earlier than December 2, but we'll see!