So Nate's plant is doing their outage for 6 weeks. Basically they are refueling the plant and everything needs to be fixed during this time. They do an outage every 18 months. All the employees have to work 6 days a week and 12 hour days. Thankfully Nate got Sundays off. He usually puts in 13 hour days, getting home between 6:15 and 7:30 pm. And then work has been calling him in the evening too. Needless to say this has not been fun! Nate is exhausted and can't get much done around here. I'm tired from being with the kids all day. But, we've made it through 2 weeks so far. We're looking forward to October 9 and praying the outage gets done on time!
In other news, MOPS started yesterday. We have a couple new Moms, so that is exciting! I think we have a great year planned out.
Nice timing stupid plant! Why didn't they consult you? When You and I run the world. . . . ;)
Not that there is too much I can do but let me know if you think of anything. . .even if it's just prayers for survival!
I think you are coping better than I would under similar circumstances! Hang in there and know that your mom and dad are here for you if you need us......
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