Friday, September 7, 2007

Sleep and Snacks

Today I was feeling the sleep deprivation. Isaac does well at night-only getting up once or twice. So, I shouldn't complain, but I was wanting to go back to bed as soon as I woke up. Not a good feeling. Of course, Caleb didn't take a nap today-but I left him in his room and crashed for 30 minutes. You know how "experts" say, "new mothers should sleep when the baby sleeps." Yea, that only works for the first kid. What do the experts say for the following kids?

I was also thinking today about snacks. I feel like I'm still eating alot with the breastfeeding thing and needing new ideas for snacks. Do you guys have any favorite snacks that are easy and semi-good for you? My favorite evening snack is cereal. My Grandma J. passed that trait on to me.


Mom J said...

Hi Stacy,
You mean you don't like prunes, dried apricots, raisins and yogurt anymore? I always wondered what your school friends thought when I put dried prunes in your lunches when you were kids. Oh well, I like them!

Unknown said...

Hey Stacy,
I feel like it is really random that I am giving a snack recommendation but roasted chickpeas are pretty good. You just drain a can of them and put them on a cookie sheet. I forget the temp to use but basically I don't think it would hurt you to eat them even if they weren't "cooked" all the way through.

Rozema Family said...

I pop a bag of popcorn in the morning and put it in a zip-lock baggie. I munch on handfuls throughout the day. It's amazing how that turns into my breakfast and lunch most days :)

Stac - keep it up! Zero sleep is so hard! I am whipped and I'm not there yet! Eee gads! You are a great mom. Don't worry about those 30 min rest times. YOU need them! He's safe in his room (we hope :) ). Just stick him in there with the "I'm not asking you to sleep, I'm asking you to rest. When this alarm goes off, you may come get me!" That is what my BFF does with her 3 boys.

Beth said...

Cereal is a good one. I also like granola or nutrigrain bars. Yogurt. Pretzels. Dried fruit, although from your mom's post I take it you don't like dried fruit. I used to eat a lot of carrots. Celery and PB. Cheese & crackers. Rice cakes. Jello. Fruit--frozen grapes are yummy!

Good luck w/ the sleep. I'm not looking forward to that. Good for you, for having C take some rest time.

Colleen said...

Pita chips and hummus are one of my faves. If you like your food a little spicier. They are pretty filling and very crunchy. Cottage cheese and applesauce are also a good combo for the protein/carbs. Hope to see you soon!

Janna said...

I suggest cookies. Terrible for you, fattening, unhealthy cookies. A lot of them, especially when you are sleepy. Ideally chocolate when you're sleepy, just because it makes you happier. You're not at all surprised to read this from me, are you? :) I like Kimberly's popcorn idea, but I lack the self-control to only eat a baggie-size portion. :)

A little more seriously, I would keep a lot of granola bars around just because they are good (chocolate) and they are easy to eat one handed while nursing. Glasses of water/water bottles everywhere so it's handy to sip on all day. Wheat Thin/Triscuit crackers, pretzels. Definitely keep yogurt around to inhale at/around lunch time. Blueberry/banana muffins are easy and pretty filling. If they are too hard to eat one handed, make them in the mini-muffin size so you can just pop them in your mouth. Bananas and grapes are easy fruits to eat. Apples/peaches/pears are good but are too time consuming sometimes. I still don't eat breakfast or lunch on a regular schedule, mainly when everyone else is fed and I get a chance to grab something.

As far as the sleep deprivation goes, sleep as long as you can in the morning. Pretty much until the second Nate has to walk out the door (I don't know how early that is though and how close it is to when C gets up). If C gets up before Nate leaves, have Nate tend to him until he has to leave for work. If you watch any morning cartoons, plunk C on your lap on the couch, cuddle him with your arms around him, lay your head back and sleep away. You'll wake up if he moves to get up. Same thing for afternoon. If he won't rest in his bed, put in a video for rest time and lay down with him right by you. Forget the "don't have your child watch too much TV". In the next few months, you'll need catnaps and the video babysitter just to function.

Oh, and just let yourself cry sometimes. It's OK. :)