I've been taking pictures lately of Caleb and Isaac together. They love being next to each other. I think I want to record these moments because I'm afraid once Isaac is mobile and into Caleb's toys, Caleb won't be showing much love. Those of you with older kids, are my fears realistic?
In the first picture, Caleb is holding a number 1 and Isaac the number 2. Nate will say "Where's son number 1?" And Caleb will come running. Now Caleb refers to Isaac as "son number 2" and likes Isaac to hold the number 2. For now we think it is cute. However, Isaac might get a complex when he's older about Caleb always being referred to as number 1. Maybe I'm reading into it too much.:)
The last picture is of cookies I made recently. Sorry if I don't sound very humble, but for the most part I am a really good baker. However, I discovered that having the full amount of baking soda called for in a recipe is very important. The cookies looked so funny! They were supposed to be Hershey kiss "suprises" in the middle, but the cookies didn't rise well-so the kiss is very obvious. I just get a kick out of baked goods that don't turn out well. (As long as it doesn't happen too often!) Dad, remind you of some fudge I made??
In other news, we got our car back after a week and a half. Of course it was some tiny piece to replace, but with labor costs is was a couple hundred dollars. Grrrr.