Thursday, November 1, 2007

Candy Isn't Enough

So trick or treating was a bust this year. First we had to cajole Caleb to even put his outfit on. For some reason he does not like to dress up. Nate walked him to one neighbor's house and came home after that. Having to interact with strange people was too much for Caleb and the prospect of candy was not enough of an incentive. We were disappointed mostly because we wanted to see the neighbors and show off our cute kids! Oh well. Some friends pointed out that he may enjoy it more next year when Isaac can tag along and provide support. We'll see what happens!

By the way, thanks to Aunt Colleen for Isaac's Packer snowsuit!


Anonymous said...

Aww man! I was wondering if it would happen or not- at least you got a picture of them dressed up. =) They look so cute!

spainer said...

If you wouldn't make such stinking yummy food all the time, he'd be allured by candy. It's all your fault, really.

EAJ said...

Caleb didn't like the Packer get up I'm sure was the problem...

Dad J

Beth said...

What a cute family! Ummm...I thought you guys didn't do much w/ Halloween? Too bad for you guys that Caleb didn't want to go trick or treating--no extra candy to munch on! :0)

RuthAnn DeMaster said...

The outfits art so great, but the children inside them are cuter. they'll be Packer fans for sure without the Oct. 31 hoopla.