Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gearing Up!

The first picture is one shot of the many we took of the boys, trying to find a good Christmas card pose. It's not easy taking a picture of two squirmy boys!

The second one is Nate's lastest injury. He was playing basketball and dislocated his finger. He pulled it back into place by himself. I'm glad I wasn't there to see that- I would have been grossed out! So now he is wearing a splint and the finger is swollen and purple.

The Christmas countdown has begun! Actually, we've been counting down for awhile, but the busyness is starting tomorrow. My MOPS group is doing our Christmas party so my co-coordinator and I have been busy planning that. Please pray we have a good turnout!

On Friday we are doing our little Christmas with the boys. On Saturday we are heading to Chicago for the day for an extended family Christmas. Then on Sunday the DeMaster clan is arriving and staying til Wednesday. On Thursday we head to my parent's house for Christmas. After that we are heading to Rochester, NY to stay with Nate's parents for a couple days. Whew!

Last night I was stressing out about how much I have to do in the next couple weeks. But, Nate prayed with me and I felt God's peace. Prayer is so amazing! I'll still be busy, but I'm not going to worry.


Janna said...

Um...ouch. I'm glad I didn't watch him fix his finger either. Could you maybe just start paying the hospital monthly payments now to be sure that you cover all the bills that may come? If your boys are anything like their dad, you are probably going to be glad you're close to the hospital!

The picture of the boys is adorable; they look like two little men with their hair combed all cute like that. :)

Sounds like a bunch of traveling for you guys for Christmas. I'll be praying that you are able to enjoy Christmas even in all the busy travels. I agree with the power of prayer...I'm thankful that you and your husband are able to take time and pray together!

Rozema Family said...

Wow! That's a lot of travel for you guys! I was worried about 8 hrs. up to Michigan.

I hear you about having so much to do and not enough time to do it. I finally had to tell people that I just couldn't do anything else. My plate was too full!

Anyway, your boys look so beautiful!

EAJ said...

Hey Nate,
Get an x-ray!
Mom J