Friday, January 11, 2008

Almost 5 Months!

Isaac is almost 5 months old! We have now ventured into the realm of baby cereal. He loves it! The first time he gobbled it up, like we had been depriving him or something.:) The pediatrician recommended not introducing other foods til he was 6 months, but I don't know if we'll wait that long.

His newest tricks include sticking his tongue out and wanting us to do the same. Unfortunately I couldn't get a picture of him doing it yet. He is also entering the shrieking/screaming stage when he's happy. He's also losing alot of his hair and it's coming in lighter. My Mom kept saying he had reddish highlights, which I disagreed with at first. But, I admit he does have some red in certain lighting.

The other day I made the mistake of looking at Caleb's 1st year calendar to see what he was doing at this stage. He was sleeping alot better than Isaac! So, now I am more determined to work on Isaac's sleep schedules. I am reminding myself that each child is different, so I don't stress too much.

I also want to say, I love the exersaucer! Caleb used it from the time he was 4 months old til he was 1 year old. Isaac is just starting to use it. It entertains babies for so long! I would recommend them to every new Mom.


zeeny said...

I can't believe how time flies! He is such a cutie! Hope full nights of sleep come soon!

Lisa said...

Cute pictures Stacy - I can't believe Isaac is 5 months already!