Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Winter Activities

Isaac learning to sit up. Caleb "playing" Settlers of Catan with Dad. Got to start young! Caleb and Dad building a snow fort. It had tunnel in it too- way better than Mom would have made!

Isaac is changing every day. He is now rolling from his stomach to his back consistently and the opposite direction once in a while. He is also sitting up fairly well, with supervision of course! Isaac is also having allergic reactions to something. He had a bottle of formula last night and ended up with a rash and bumps/hives on his chin. The Dr. told us to give him Benadryl and not give him the formula again. I thought the formula was to blame, but tonight we gave him a bottle of breastmilk and he broke out again. So, we are not sure what is causing him to get a rash. Any ideas?


Janna said...

Could he be having a reaction to something you ate? That's the only idea I have!

Cute pictures...Ethan would love to play Caleb in Settlers anytime!

zeeny said...

My only though would be the actual bottle...but I don't even know if that's possible.
Happy Be-lated Birthday!!

Beth said...

The bottle was my thought too. But then it seems he would have had a rash in his mouth too maybe. Huh. Hope you get it figured out soon. I hope he's not allergic to formula. I loved having Nathan be able to take a little. Not so boobie dependant :0)