Saturday, February 9, 2008

Another First

Isaac has experienced his first ear infection.:( Last night was not fun here. He woke up around 3:30 and I went ahead and fed him. However, he did not go back to sleep like normal. So, Nate and I took turns rocking him downstairs until he fell into a light sleep around 6:30 am. We took him to the after-hours clinic this afternoon. He was given some antibiotics. I feel so bad for him. I really hope he can sleep well tonight. Thankfully he can take ibuprofen now.

Something more light-hearted now- my husband is the best! There is a new gym in town that I really wanted to join. We had talked about it, but decided against it. However, Nate surprised me last week with gym memberships! They have a gym and swim program for Caleb and a nice childcare area. I am going to try a spinning class orientation tomorrow. Honestly, spinning looks like torture. But, I figure I can at least try it for an hour to see what it is like. They can't kill me in an hour, right?!


Rozema Family said...

Spinning huh? It always looked like fun! You'll have to let me (us) know how it is!

spainer said...

Spinning is the's kind of like soccer practice where you hate someone for kicking your butt in the middle if it, but it feels awesome later!

RuthAnn DeMaster said...

I honestly thought spinning class was something you do with yarn. Imagine my surprise that you were wanting to work with yarn!! However, I guess it has to do with exercise. It doesn't sound too good with my vertigo. Let me know how it was.