Friday, March 7, 2008


So USA Today had a story called, "Babies Can Cause Momnesia." After reading it, I rejoiced knowing "mommy brain" is not some excuse mothers use to explain their ditzy moments. Moms, we are not crazy! I included some quotes from the article.

"But women don't get dumber after childbirth. Instead, like sleep-deprived medical residents who learn on the job, their brains are getting a workout. "You are learning a lot," she says. "Once your mommy brain gets readjusted, you get more efficient, and you become smarter and learn things faster, but it won't happen all at once."
Mothers' priorities often change dramatically while caring for a baby. They need to be "hyper vigilant" about their infants, who may develop symptoms of illness that are apparent only to those who have scrutinized their every coo and cry, Brizendine says. "You're on the mother beat all the time. It requires certain parts of your brain to work hyper, hyper, hyper well. But it requires other parts of your brain to play second fiddle." The cost of that vigilance can be a little ditziness, and that is a price many moms are willing to pay.

Women's plummeting estrogen levels, which lurch from "incredibly high" in late pregnancy to "virtually non-existent" after delivery, can make it hard to focus. While estrogen plays a key role in fertility, it also acts as a neurotransmitter, sending signals in the brain.
Breast-feeding can prolong the mental haze, Brizendine says, by circulating hormones that help mothers relax and promote a "mellow, mildly unfocused" feeling."

So, if I continue to breastfeed Isaac til he's one, I have six more months to blame my ditzy moments on hormones, right?:)

I was trying to think of the classic momnesia moments I've had:
-gone to grocery store w/out my wallet (done that twice)
-pick up the phone and forget who I was going to call
-walk down to basement and forget what I was going there for
-can't think of the right word when I'm talking-that happens alot
-the first 4 months of my kid's lives are a blur

It's probably true that God gives us this "momnesia" so that we'll have more than one kid! I would be hesitant to have more kids if I could vividly remember the labor pain, nursing problems, sleep-deprivation, etc.:)

So, do any of you have good "momnesia" stories?


Rozema Family said...

What a great thing to know! I thought I was getting dumber! I always joke that I birthed my brain with my children!

Umm, nothing is as bad as driving about 3 miles from Walmart to home only to get there and realize that you haven't buckled your daughter up! Aghghghgh! I just threw-up on the spot! I had her crawl in her seat, I buckled Zach in and then just forgot to get her in. IDIOT!!

Beth said...

I saw that story too! I don't think I did anything too crazy. I had it while I was pregnant, too, though. I went to Lowes for three things and when I got there, I couldn't remember what they were--only that I had to pick up three things. I did eventually remember after wandering around for a while. I did plenty of the walking into a room for something and forgetting what I came for. I still do that!

Janna said...

My question is what's my excuse? I'm not pregnant or nursing (but still sleep deprived sometimes). I'm ditzy and I think parts of my brain have just plain checked out for a while. Sigh.