Saturday, April 19, 2008


Loving the swing!
First caught bug of the season. Caleb about 8 months old-Spring 2005

Spring has finally arrived! We've had a couple days of 70 degree weather, it is fantastic! Caleb plays in the sandbox everyday and Isaac will sit on a blanket and play. We also have to thank our parents for some great gifts. Thanks Mom and Dad DeMaster for the baby swing! Isaac loves it! Thanks Mom and Dad Jongsma for the bug catcher. Caleb caught a beetle yesterday and was excited to show it off. Nate and Caleb thought it would be ok for the bug to sleep inside overnight. I may be outnumbered by males, but I still have some veto power! I don't care if the bug is inside a container, it is not staying inside my house!:)

I posted the last picture of Caleb as a baby because I had a nostalgic moment today. I was pulling out the bin of baby summer clothes for Isaac to start wearing. As I pulled out those clothes, I had so many memories of that summer with Caleb. I can almost remember the feel of him in my arms, how he smelled, and watching him eat watermelon for the first time. They are good memories, but I felt a little sad too. It is amazing to look at Caleb now and see how much he has grown in 3 years.

One last note of interest. Some of you may remember the two boys we provided foster respite care for a couple times. We just heard that they are being adopted by a great young couple. We are so excited and thankful to God for providing these boys with a family that will love and care for them!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Awww...what cuties. No bugs in the house, huh. Nathan was playing with worms yesterday. I wanted to run for the camera but I couldn't leave him. He carried that poor worm around for quite some time w/ me reminding him frequently not to squeeze it or pull it. I'm afraid the little guy still ended up in two pieces. I'm not sure he made it.