Caleb is 4 years old today! Yesterday, he celebrated his birthday at school. While I was browsing through a cookbook he saw a picture of pig cupcakes and decided that is what he wanted to bring to school. He had lots of fun making the cupcakes with me and loved sharing them at school! Today we celebrated by having his friend, Wesley come over with his family for supper. Caleb's pick for his birthday dinner, hotdogs and chips.:) So we grilled out and had chicken for the adults. Caleb originally wanted a Clifford cake, but then saw a picture of a racetrack cake and changed his mind. It was a little more difficult to make this cake because the kids were around. Isaac stuck his hand in the side of the frosting and Caleb kept bumping me while I was decorating. Oh well, they had fun and the cake was great! I also learned that they don't make pinatas like they used to. Now there are strings on the bottom that the kids have to jump up and pull off until they pull the right one to release the candy. I guess it's safer than swinging a stick around blindfolded, but where's the fun in that?:)
I am so proud of Caleb. He has grown up alot this past year. Since his 3rd birthday we've added two babies to our family. He is such a good big brother and is great with babies. I really can't leave the house with the babies unless Caleb is with. He pushes Cardale in the stroller while I carry Isaac. Such a good helper! He also loves feeding Cardale his bottle and petting his hair of course. Caleb has left the toddler years. He can now get himself dressed and goes to school without crying. When did my boy grow up? We thank God for giving us such a wonderful boy to raise!
Happy Birthday to Caleb! The cake and cupcakes are really cute. I had no idea they changed how pinatas work now. That kind of makes me feel old!
Happy Birthday Caleb!
Grampa J
I had not thought about the fact that 2 new babies "invaded" Calebs' world but it sure is true! What a busy family he has and he always looks happy about it so I guess he approves.
Happy Birthday to Caleb (and to Nate :) Sounds like you guys had a nice time celebrating. Love the cake and cupcakes--I'm always so impressed w/ your creations! Who knew about the pinata?? And you're right...that's no fun!
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