Friday, January 2, 2009

Catch Up

Hello countertop! This area is now bottle free.:)

Caleb test driving Cardale's new trike. Such a good big brother.:)

We acquired 3 xylophones over Christmas. The boys are starting a xylophone trio.

Well, the Christmas break is ending. Caleb has missed school and is excited to go back on Monday. The boys enjoyed seeing so many family members over the past two weeks, and we didn't even have to travel much! Our family room is now covered in new brightly colored plastic toys.:) We have double of many toys as Cardale will be taking his with him when he leaves our home. The kids got over their sicknesses and we were all healthy over the holidays.

You may wonder why I took a picture of my countertop. I had a moment where I could visibly witness a parenting milestone and decided to document it. Cardale is now off the bottle! No more making bottles, washing bottles, traveling with bottles- can you tell I'm excited?! I now have a little square of counter that is no longer continually covered with bottle paraphenalia.

In other news, almost everyone knows now that we are adopting! We are adopting a baby from South Korea. We do not know the gender, but the baby will be between 9-12 months of age. We hope to be matched next fall and hopefully will travel to South Korea in December to pick up our child! We are very excited, but it still seems a little unreal since it's a ways off. We started this process with Bethany in the spring. There was a lot of paperwork and social worker visits this summer, but now we're just waiting. If you have any questions, feel free to ask- we love talking about our adoption journey!


Momma to 3 Boys said...

Your boys are so sweet! I can't believe how much Isaac & Cardale have changed in the last few months! Enjoy the empty counter!!! Congrats again on your adoption! We'll be praying for a smooth rest of the process & safe travels!!

Beth said...

Yay! no more bottles (for now :). I was so glad we were able to catch up at Christmas. I miss hanging out!

zeeny said...

I am so excited for your adoption. My sister just adopted three children from Haiti and it has been a great experiance. I loved your announcement in the newsletter! At first I thought, how can she know she will get pregnant...and then I kept reading. Very creative!! Enjoy your family...they are all growing so fast!