Ok, I give up! These ear infections are getting the best of us. I took Isaac and Cardale back to the Dr. today to see if the antibiotics worked. Cardale's ear infection was mostly cleared up, but he has alot of fluid still in one of his ears. So, the Dr. prescribed another round of the same antibiotic in hopes it will completely rid his ears of fluid. After this round, he may need to see an audiologist just to make sure his hearing isn't being affected by all of these ear infections. The Dr. wants to hold off on tubes in the ears a little bit longer.
Then there is Isaac. One of his ears is cleared up, the other one is still horrible and infected. So, he is on another round of a different antibiotic. On top of it all, he has a yeast infection in his groin area and needs prescription cream to clear it up. (Antibiotics can sometimes give babies yeast infections.) So, Isaac is scheduled to see the Dr. next Wednesday for his 18 month check-up and hopefully we'll be able to tell if the antibiotics are working. It's kind of funny that he has to go back for a well-child visit, we've been there so often lately!
And can I just complain about how challenging it is to keep two 1 year olds happy in a doctor's office?! We got into the room fairly quickly. The kids were undressed down to their socks and diaper and then we sat and waited for an hour! I brought my 10 lb diaper bag with different toys to keep them occupied, but that only worked for so long. In the past I would have grimaced at parents who would let their kids crawl around on the floor in Doctor's offices, not anymore! I figure it is a big accomplishment if I can keep them out of the garbage can and biohazard wastebasket. Thankfully there is antibacterial gel on the wall in the Doctor's office, so that was used liberally.:)
I am just so frustrated for you!!!!! HOrrible horrible horrible! :(
You all are in my prayers. Poor mommy!
Yikes! I'm with Kimber...poor mom! I can imagine that keeping both of them happy at home is a challenge too with both of them not feeling well, and for so long! Poor kiddos too... Hope that the new round of Rx does wonders!
Wow! That's pretty crappy that they kept you waiting for an hour. I sometimes bring crayons and let Nathan color on the protective paper on the exam table--that's kinda novel...for about 5 min.
I'll be praying that the ear infections are cleared up--maybe they're already better :) HANG IN THERE!!
BTW, just read the post below. Go Cardale! :) And I'll keep in mind about the garage sale--unfortunately we'll be using most of our baby stuff :) I would advertise well and put out a sign that you're saving for an adoption--maybe have some official paperwork or something handy so that people know you're not scamming! Anyway...you can post ads on Craigs List, at your church, in the local news paper, the wall at the grocery store/library, etc. For road signs--Make them bright and very clear so that people can read them easily from the road. Not too much info. Good LUCK!
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