As many of you know, we received a phone call from our social worker last week telling us that we could get our travel call in the next 2-4 weeks!! We were a little surprised! Everything seems to be moving faster than we anticipated- which is a good thing, just unexpected. Our paperwork is done on the US side. We are waiting for Julia's visa interview in Korea now. Once they approve her visa we will get the call to come get her! Once they call us we have to arrive in South Korea within 7 days. We will buy our plane tickets once we get our travel call. We know which airline we will use (Korean Air) and that we will fly out of O'Hare on a direct flight. The flight is 13 hours long! I feel a little claustrophobic thinking about it. :{ No matter when they call us our plan is to fly out on a Saturday and fly back on a Friday. I'm praying we get our travel call early in the week so that I have a couple days to pack/prepare! We'll see what God has planned. The adoption agency in Korea (Holt agency) will make our hotel reservations for us, take us on a city tour, and help us line up a tour to the DMZ. When we're there we'll meet Julia and her foster Mom on a Monday. We'll then sightsee for a couple days and then pick Julia up on Thursday afternoon and fly home on Friday. I'm hoping when we're in Korea I can blog, but we'll see.
Julia's room is pretty much ready! We painted the walls pink. I have some pink and sage colored bedding and I bought a sage valance. We also found a really nice dresser for a good deal at a second time around furniture store. I still need some decorations for the walls and a little rug, but that will happen in the future.
Caleb had his last soccer game for the fall season on Saturday. The field was full of puddles, it was drizzling and freezing! It's hard to see in the above picture, but Caleb was covered in mud. The parents were a little miserable, but the kids had a great time! After the game we drove to Grand Rapids to eat lunch with some of my extended family that was visiting MI. I had to get a picture of my Grandma to post on my blog because she faithfully reads my blog. Hi, Grandma! :)
As I am writing this, I am watching a friend's little girl who is about Isaac's age. The two of them were coloring and Zoe must have done something Isaac didn't like. He then turned to me and said, "Zoe, in time out." Apparently in nursery at church he likes to tell kids what the rules are as well. I'm thinking Julia might have a bossy older brother. :)
Dad, Steph and I will stand ready for the call and hopefully we'll be able to cover the Caleb and Isaac home front while you are in Korea!
How exciting to anticipate the arrival of your new little girl. And she comes with an adventure to a foreign country! Can't wait to see her. We'll be praying the whole time.
what an exciting adventure (this travel junkie is envious, at least!) Just think of the 13 hour flight as your own personal vacation with no one bugging you and a chance to catch up on all the latest movies. And bring benadryl to help you sleep =) Waiting with bated breath with you!
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