Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Today we went to the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone). It's basically the line separating N. Korea and S. Korea. It's been 50 years since the line was established. I didn't realize that the two countries have been exisiting under a cease fire since then, not a true peace agreement. It's sad to hear about the living conditions in N. Korea. And it's a little creepy walking up to a building near the line and seeing a N. Korean soldier watching you through binoculars. We weren't allowed to point or make rude gestures toward the N. Korean side or take pictures in certain areas. The S. Koreans are very careful to not have any incidents, b/c even little incidents can escalate quickly. S. Koreans still talk about when unification happens, like it's a sure event. And, I think they are right. I think eventually all cruel govts who suppress freedom of religion and people's rights eventually come to an end. I just pray that end comes about without violence. We also walked thru one of the tunnels that the N. Koreans dug under the DMZ in hopes of making a surprise attack. (The S. Koreans discovered the tunnels before they were used.) Nate and I had to duck quite a bit in the tunnel, and it was a long way down. I kept thinking my Dad would get a kick out of all this history. :) Anyway, it was a good Korean history day. Seoul is such a modern, wealthy city that you wouldn't even know about the subtle tension that is always present unless you went to the DMZ or the Korean War Museum (which we won't have time to see.)

1 comment:

EAJ said...

Glad you could see the Korean DMZ...I would like to see that as well the war museum