Sunday, April 11, 2010


Checking out the chicks and ducklings at Tractor Supply
I think Isaac is cuter than the chick :)
Playing with Grandma
Julia wanted to see what was going on
Kind of a gross picture, but funny too. Isaac decided he didn't like the taste of boiled eggs!
I like this picture of Caleb. It's not very often we get a "natural" smile when taking a picture!
Nate reading to the boys during Cardale's visit.
Family picture on Easter

Easter egg hunt. I like Tim's idea of sipping wine during the hunt!
Isaac checking out the eggs.

We spent Easter weekend at my parent's house along with my siblings. We had some really nice weather! The boys enjoy seeing the chicks at Tractor Supply every spring. Caleb really wanted to buy some chicks. I had to remind him that chicks grow up into chickens that can peck you. Remember, the chickens at Uncle Reuben's house and how you didn't like them? :) I also don't think our neighbors would appreciate a bunch of chickens in our backyard. The boys had fun decorating Easter eggs, although Isaac cracked most of the ones he touched. Cardale also came over for an afternoon which was probably the highlight of the weekend for Isaac. Caleb enjoys playing with Cardale, but Isaac and Cardale have alot of fun together. Granted, there is still some of the rivalry between them, but overall they have a good time. We are very excited for Cardale and his parents because his adoption will be finalized in a couple weeks!

My Mom was feeling a little better over Easter weekend, but ended up back in the hospital this week. Her pancreas is kind of going crazy on her. She's hoping to go home this week and then she'll see a specialist at University of Michigan in a couple weeks. Hopefully the specialist can figure out what needs to be done and get the procedure scheduled quickly!

We started reintroducing apples into Isaac's diet. The first apple slices he ate went well. However, yesterday we gave him apple slices at lunch and applesauce at supper. He complained his stomach hurt and then threw up at bedtime. Ouch. It's not looking so good for apples in the diet.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Bummer about the apples :( Glad you had a nice Easter! What a nice family picture. We'll keep your mom in our prayers. How frustrating! Is she in a lot of pain? I hope she gets some answers at UofM.