Our family
The newest American- I love the dress I found for her!
Caleb got to bang the gavel to say that Julia is officially his sister
Looking at the adoption order
My amazing sister
Judge Willis, my parents, us, Lisa Klamer (with Hannah and Heidi), the best social worker- Mary
My fabulous Mom
My wonderful Dad
Julia's adoption was finalized yesterday! It was a great day. We could tell God was working behind the scenes. :) The judge told us he adopted a daughter from Korea 20 years ago. So it was neat to hear his story. He had read through our home study so he knew we were Christians and he shared a verse with us. It was Matthew 18:5- "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name, welcomes me." We were very touched by that. The judge asked a couple of times if Julia may want a sister someday to even things out. :) He also said there are alot of kids needing families. I told him we are well aware of the need and I don't think God is done growing our family yet. :) But, we all realize that right now our family composition is good and we want to celebrate that! Our social worker and Nate said a few words about the adoption process and how Julia fits perfectly in our family. I told the judge I couldn't say anything without crying, which he understood. The judge let Caleb bang the gavel. Caleb put a little too much force into it and a splinter of wood went flying. :)
It is hard to believe that the adoption process is now complete. We still have to get her social security card, passport and Certificate of Citizenship, but all of the official requirements are met. It is a good feeling to know that she is ours and no one can take her away! I found myself looking at Julia a little differently today- she is completely my daughter and we are her family, for better or worse. :) I also thought about the celebration that occurs in heaven when we say, "Yes!" to Jesus and we are adopted into God's family. God is good and we all have an adoption story. We want to thank everyone who came to the hearing yesterday and those of you who celebrated with us in spirit! We value all of your support and love you all very much!
So happy for your family!!! Glad all is well. You all look so happy!
wish I could have been there! So happy for you guys and Julia is one lucky little girl!
I'm so happy for you! What an amazing story of adoption. . .even into God's family. I found my hormonal self tearing up a bit.
On an odd side-note, I have the same purse as your sister. I used it like 2 years ago as my small diaper bag. the two side pockets fit Dr. Brown bottles perfectly and it was tall and could fit diapers perfectly :)! I'm very sad it broke last year!
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