Monday, September 27, 2010

Nate's Birthday

Birthday decorations for Nate's birthday. He got a Spiderman theme. :)
Caleb is excited about opening presents!
Watching Dad open his presents
Yummy cake

This past Saturday, Nate turned 31! He had to work all day and got home after 6:30. We got to eat some pizza and cake together though. Nate's company started the outage so he'll be working more for the next month. I am so grateful for Nate. He is such a hard worker and always helps around the house too. I am so impressed with his abilities to plan and build/fix things. He is a wonderful husband and father. We love you very much, Nate!

In other news, Isaac had his 3 year check-up. He is 35 lbs and 38 inches. He is 2 inches shorter and 5 lbs lighter than Caleb was at this age. :) It was fun watching him do the vision test. The nurse was asking him to identify shapes. He knew most of them, but got bored quickly with the task. He got one shot which turned red and swelled up a little. Otherwise he got a clean bill of health!

Julia had her 18 month check-up. She is 25 lbs and 32 inches. For a little comparison, Isaac was 28 lbs and 33 inches at this age. The doctor is really pleased with Julia's development. She is right on track and is quite verbal. We thank God for how well Julia is doing!

My Dad has surgery tomorrow morning at U of M for prostate cancer. I'm feeling nervous tonight, but overall I haven't been feeling too worried about it. I think it's because it's only surgery and not radiation or chemo too. We're praying that the surgery goes well and that Dad's recovery goes smoothly.

1 comment:

RuthAnn DeMaster said...

Hey, I saw the hutch in the eating area. When did you get that? It looks perfect there. I'll be praying for your dad. Hoping all is well.