Ready to show the neighborhood some cuteness!
Isn't he the cutest bunny ever?!
Gotta love 'em
As I've mentioned in the past, we don't make a huge deal out of Halloween. We carve a pumpkin, but that is the extent of our decorations. We like the idea of letting kids dress up and pretend, so that is what we do. They aren't allowed to be scary, evil or gross things. We then trick-or-treat around the neighborhood. It is always fun to see the other neighborhood kids looking cute. Many of our neighbors don't pass out candy, but that is ok. The kids still come home with more candy then they need. :) Nate surprised us and got home from work in time for the costumes and trick-or-treating. I have also mentioned in the past that Caleb does not like to dress up. I imagine he will be a soccer player for the next several Halloweens. :) However, the other day he told me he wanted to dress up like a wolf next year. Either of the Grandma's want to tackle that job? I'm a little suspect though that he would actually wear the costume. :) Isaac wore a bunny costume that my Mom made when my siblings and I were kids. And Julia was a little Baby Bop. She rode in the stroller and quickly got excited when people started giving her candy. She is a little sugar addict like her Mama. :)
And the most exciting news, the outage is done!!! Nate is off for 4 days in a row- so nice. I am very proud of all of the work Nate did for the outage. I don't understand much of it, but I do know that he was entrusted with alot of responsibility and he rocked it. Now we go back to normal shift work until the next outage in 18 months. :)
Can I have that last picture of them on the couch? K thanks =)
I like how they finally got to sit on the memory foam from the bed. What a treat.
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