Monday, August 22, 2011

Traverse City

Isaac had a hard time blowing his candle out
The kids helping me make lemonade
Mmm, cake
Enjoying the view
Don't fall over boys!
This dune was massive. Just in front of me is a huge drop-off. It takes people 1 hour to climb back up.
Birthday boy!
Getting ready to tackle the dune climb
Julia got a piggy-back ride. The boys were on their hands and knees.
The boys running down the dune- no major tumbles
A huge bear on the front of a store
Family picture at Sleeping Bear Dunes

Last week we went camping at Traverse City State Park. We had never been to Traverse City before- it is beautiful! The Grand Traverse Bay is so blue and calm. TC has alot of bike trails as well. We went to Sleeping Bear Dunes one day and had fun doing the dune climb. The kids had Junior Ranger activities to work on and at the end of our visit they received a Junior Ranger badge. Caleb asked me if getting a Junior Ranger badge meant he had to be a Ranger when he grew up, too cute. We spent time at the beach and just hanging around the campsite. The state park campground was ok. The sites were really close together and you had to walk across a bridge to get to the beach. The worst part of the campground was the noise! There were planes flying overhead often, a railroad track nearby, and lots of road noise. I don't think we'll use the campground again. I've heard Interlochen campground is nice and more peaceful.

Not much sleep happened while camping. In my head I expect this, but it doesn't make it any easier! Julia just struggles with sleeping in different places and she was a little sick. This trip was my first extended camping experience. Usually two nights is my max. We did four nights and it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. :) Having a pop-up camper definitely makes a difference.

I would love to visit Traverse City again, either when the kids are older or just with Nate. Downtown TC is really cute and there are restaurants I want to try. I didn't get to browse many stores this trip. For some reason the kids just don't like doing that.

It is hard to believe summer is winding down. Only 2 more weeks til school!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I can't believe you all climbed the dune- impressive! And you got to go to the most beautiful place in America ;)