Monday, October 31, 2011


Slimy pumpkin insides- so cool!
Digging away
Caleb named his pumpkin Fred- no real reason, just seemed like a Fred I guess.
The "I love chocolate! Can I have more chocolate?!" face
They're so cute!
Rugged Daniel Boone
Ferocious leopard
One cuddly bunny


EAJ said...

Nice...remember 3 kids our own dressed up in the exact outfits!
Dad J

RuthAnn DeMaster said...

I can see the excitement on their faces. Too cute.

Stephanie said...

They got some big pumpkins! They are adorable- what were you and Nate? ;)

Barry/ Amy said...

love it!!!!! :)

Suzanne said...

Cute costumes. :) I can't believe how big they all are! It's been too long since I've seen you guys!