Last week our church hosted the children's choir, His Little Feet. The children are orphans from Ethiopia and Honduras ranging in age from 6-12 years old. The four Honduran children have foster families back in Honduras that will probably adopt them. The ten Ethiopian children came from orphanages and need families. We hosted two boys, Yabsira from Ethiopia and Jesus (hey-soos) from Honduras. We also had a staff member, Cinthia from Honduras. They stayed with us for 3 nights and it was a great experience. Yabsira understands alot of English and could speak some to us. He is also picking up Spanish from Jesus. It was funny to see an Ethiopian boy running around speaking Spanish. The boys and our children warmed up to each other fairly quickly. We had quite the nerf gun fight going on the first night. Yabsira was affectionate and gave us lots of hugs. The boys were super excited to see deer on the side of the road one night- I was praying that we didn't hit them! They enjoyed playing with our remote control cars too. We have friends across the street who also hosted 2 kids. One afternoon the 4 boys rode our scooters and bikes up and down the street. It was very cool to see children from different countries playing outside our house. Yabsira watched me practice with the bell choir and he thought that was interesting. The children's choir performed at Caleb's school and at our church and everyone loved it! Both venues raised a good amount of money for the choir and everyone left asking the question, "what is God asking me to do to help orphans?"
Saying goodbye to Yabsira and Jesus was really hard for me. I cried when they left. It makes me sad that I may never see them again. I know I'll see them in heaven someday, but it's still hard. I mostly feel sad thinking about Yabsira. He just seemed to enjoy spending a couple days in our family. I'm praying hard that he will be adopted when the tour is done.
It's been a couple days since the boys left and our kids still talk about them. When Caleb and Isaac have nerf gun fights now they say "no cabeza!" We said that to remind Jesus and Yabsira to not shoot people in the head. And Caleb has added the boys to his prayer list, that they will be adopted. Having the choir here was a moving experience for many people and I thank God for blessing us all!
Your hospitality for these visitors short as it was made an impact on their lives & a blessing for you all. Dad J
What an amazing opportunity to love on those kids. Loved what you had to say about the experience. Your kids and family is so blessed to have you and to learn from you to love others.
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