Sunday, April 8, 2012


Watching Tyler play in the Calvin baseball game

Caleb got a foul ball

Dad and my cousin Travis

Caleb and Aunt Karen feeding the calves

He carried the milk over, but didn't want to hold the bottle for the calf
Hanging out with Cardale

Look at those pretty eggs

Searching for Easter eggs

Grandpa did a good job hiding them

For Easter weekend the kids and I went to my parent's house. Nate is busy working the outage. On Friday morning I drove to see my friend, Janna Slot. Olivia Huisman was there too with her kids. The kids had fun playing and we had fun catching up. Saturday morning Cardale came over and we decorated eggs and went to the park. That afternoon we went to Kalamazoo to watch my cousin's baseball game. Tyler plays for Calvin. My aunt and uncle from California were there and it was great to see them. After the game we went to my uncle's sister's farm- Bos and Laura DeJong- for a cookout. The kids thought the farm was awesome! They loved the big trampoline, the tree swing, seeing chicks and feeding calves. And they liked playing with the DeJong kids and my cousins Tyler and Travis. Sunday morning we went to my parent's church. It warmed my heart to hear Caleb singing, "Up from the grave He arose." After church we did an egg hunt and my cousin Scott joined us for lunch.

It was a great weekend full of good times with family and friends. We pray you had a blessed Easter!

1 comment:

Robin Gilbreath said...

Hi there! Your family is looking great, as usual. Hope all is well!