Saturday, June 29, 2019

May 2019

Caleb drew this portrait of Lecrae in art class!

Tulip Time 5k (and fun run for Stephen)

Last minute photo of the Kinderparade costume

Lacrosse 5th-8th grade
Grandparents Day- Forest School style

Stephen's kindergarten class

Mother's Day Spectacular

Front page of a Jinan newspaper

Aunt Steph brought the fun

With Lexi's finder

Yes- pandas! 

Feel the love
One of Lexi's nannies
Our searcher, Miss Jane

Last day of school

Mrs. VanRees and Mrs. Meckley

Mrs. Bosch and Mr. Harig

Master shower demo

 -We started the month out with Tulip Time. Caleb marched in all of the parades and Julia was our only child dressed in a costume for the kinderparade this year.
-Forest Kindergarten had a Mother's Day Spectacular- basically songs sung by adorable kindergarteners. For the last song each child stood alone on the stage while their mom stood up in the audience and sang, "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my mommy you'll be." Yes, I was a crying mess along with every other mom that evening. Adorable.
-Lexi, Steph and myself went to China May 18-26. We have the trip documented in depth elsewhere so this will be some highlights. Lexi had been asking questions about finding her birth parents, so we decided to try. Unfortunately we did not find any of her birth family. But the media response was beyond what we expected- our story ran daily and even national news outlets ran our story. And we were able to meet Lexi's finder and learn more details about where she had been found. We left Lexi's DNA in the national system so her birth family could come forward anywhere in China and be matched. We also left our searcher's cell number. We are beyond grateful for our searcher, Miss Jane and all of the 'helpers' we met in China who care about Lexi and want to assist her in finding her birth family. And we saw 8 pandas while in China- Lexi was thrilled! Lexi is an amazing traveller, I can see world traveling in her future. And Steph was Lexi's person on this trip- she kept the energy up and kept Lexi entertained- we couldn't have done this trip without her.
-The kids finished the school year- 8th, 5th,4th, kindergarten and 4 year old preschool are done! The kids teachers this year were fantastic.
-We tore out the master shower and had new tile put in- always some kind of project here.

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