Sunday, August 11, 2019

July 2019

Cottage life

Lexi and Isaac watching the fireworks
Driving Aunt Beth's boat

Boat ride to the ferry for ice cream, Great Grandma came along
Blew a tire on our way home
Jee and Julia


Peyto Lake

View of Jasper
Many rainy hikes. And Julia didn't want to be in this picture

This doesn't happen at home

Bull moose on the trail
Cliff jumping at Horseshoe Lake

-I went in for allergy shots and had an anaphylactic response to the dust mite shot. They had to give an epi pen, etc and call Nate to pick me up. Once home I broke out in full body hives, had to go to urgent care and get a steroid shot and take more oral steroids.  It was a scary experience and I am no longer doing the dust mite allergy shot, still doing the other 4 allergy shots.
-We went to the cottage on Lake Wisconsin. Grandpa/Grandma J and Steph/Ben were also there along with some extended family. It was a wonderful weekend. The weather was beautiful, kids swam non-stop, we did water sports, watched fireworks around the lake, and enjoyed time with family. On our way home the waverunner trailer tire blew out. Thankfully we were near Jee's family so they picked us up while Nate and the older boys fixed the tire.
-Julia spent a night with Jee's family in Indiana.
-Nate has been working on the kids bathroom. Took out the old vanity, the tile floor and tile on the walls. The bathroom is almost finished!
-Our family went to Glacier, Banff, and Jasper July 13-27. It was about 4,000 miles total and we pulled the pop up camper. We have a separate photo book for the trip. Many memories were made!

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