Saturday, August 12, 2023

June 2023

-Julia had 8th grade graduation and finished her time at HC. Julia decided to attend West Ottawa for high school as she is looking for a larger, more diverse school.

-Stephen had 2 weeks of musical theater day camp to prep the Jungle Book. This was the first production he auditioned for and he loved everything about being in the musical. They had 6 shows and we were impressed with the show.

-Stephen and Lexi had a piano recital. 

-The kids finished 12th, 9th, 8th, 4th and 3rd grades, what a great year!

-Isaac did a 4v4 soccer camp 

-Isaac took some organ lessons over the summer. He likes playing the organ, but it's challenging to make time to practice on an organ

-Nate and the kids took off on a Friday morning for Annika's wedding in PA. It was my last day of school so I worked and then rented a car and drove out. The morning of the wedding we realized Lexi's dress didn't get packed, so a quick trip to Walmart for Nate and Lexi. It was good to catch up with some family at the wedding and it was a whirlwind trip.

-Caleb had a root canal, yuck

-Julia did volleyball camp at West Ottawa (WO) and some open gyms during the summer.

-Lexi and Keira are doing gymnastics once/week for a couple weeks. Lexi has always asked to try gymnastics and this seems to be helping her realize she doesn't really want to do gymnastics.

-Isaac went on a service trip to Sutton, Alaska with Providence youth group. They helped around the community with splitting wood, minor house repairs, etc. Isaac said it was very cool to go to Alaska.

8th grade graduation

With some of the family

Visiting Julia at work


Picture we got from Caleb in Israel

Getting her ears pierced

Father's Day

Grumpy monkey

Goodbye to the old truck, it served us well

Hello to the smaller Expedition

The monkeys

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