Thursday, August 15, 2024

January 2024


Celebrating Mom's 70th Birthday

Walking around Mission Point Lighthouse

Getaway in Traverse City

Snow hill as tall as our house and sunshine in January!

Celebrating my 45th birthday

Watching the Packers

We learned how to make sushi

And we need some banket for dessert

-Caleb returned to GVSU for his second semester

-Julia is done with the orthodontist! Three kids done!

-Isaac played indoor soccer

-Julia went to some WO hockey games with friends

-Stephen had his musical theater class

-Julia and Isaac had their first semester exams and did fantastic

-Lexi continued lessons with her Mandarin tutor, Lexus

-Nate and I went away with the Gabrielse to Traverse City for a relaxing weekend

-We celebrated my 45th birthday

-We celebrated Mom's 70th birthday!

-Julia did Segment 1 for driver's education

-We went to an all school roller skating party and Lexi won the limbo

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