Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So Cute!

Aren't my boys adorable? All three of them of course!:) Isaac is 3 months old tomorrow, I can't believe it! Last night he slept from 10 pm-6:45 am! He doesn't do that every night, but hopefully we're making progress. Isaac loves cooing and laughing at anyone. He is fighting the bottle these days, but I am NOT going to give up. I will go crazy if I can't miss an occasional feeding. Caleb refused a bottle and we didn't push it- so he went everywhere with me that first year. We are not going to repeat that again!

In the second picture you'll see Caleb petting Isaac's head. Whenever Caleb is near Isaac he is petting Isaac. He's very gentle, but it drives me crazy because Isaac's hair gets so greasy! He looks like a little greaser most of the time.:) Caleb had a funny comment the other day. The receptionist at church was getting him some candy. She asked Caleb if he liked Mike & Ike's. He replied, "No they're someone else's kids."


Anonymous said...

Too cute =) Maybe it's just the lighting, but Isaac's hair looks a little red, yah? Can't wait to see you guys next week!

Beth said...

They certainly are a handsome crew!