Isaac is now mobile! His crawl is not "textbook," but it works for him.:) Isaac seems to be moving constantly. He is not interested in cuddling and changing his diaper is like a wrestling match. Nate and I love this age, they are so cute!
On a different note.... So I don't think we can live in denial much longer. I mentioned a couple months ago that we think Isaac might be allergic to dairy. This is what happened to Isaac's face today. Caleb was eating yogurt while Isaac was playing on the floor. At some point, Caleb ran over to Isaac and touched and kissed his face. Isaac then broke out in a red rash. It happened after the boys shared a washcloth after lunch the other day as well. It is really hard for us to believe that he may not be able to eat dairy. I mean, we eat yogurt, cheese, and milk every day. And what about ICE CREAM?!!??!! And hello, I love to bake! Obviously we'll have to talk to the doctor again and get it figured out for sure. But, it just makes us really nervous. We'll see what happens.
Oh, Stace- I couldn't stop laughing watching Isaac crawl! And his poor face! haha Not many kids can pull off a huge rash on their face and still look cute =)
What a bummer! I know how tough it can be. You'll make it, though. And there are still some very yummy things you can bake dairy free. When I went Diary free, I got some cook books from the library. And I can loan you back the cook book you got me! I agree w/ Steph, he sure does manage to look cute somehow!
That's just scary! I mean really scary! What are you going to do? I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it for you! Oh poor baby! I mean what if someone spills milk on him accidentally. . .hmmmm. . .oh my!
His poor little face! Does he get other symptoms besides the rash? Does it seem like it bothers him? Hope not. :( Hope you can get into the doctor and get things figured out soon.
Sorry...published the same comment 2x
The video of Isaac crawling is adorable! I hope you get some good answers from the doctor about the dairy allergy...
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