So can you tell I decompress in the evening by blogging?:) Cardale (and us) had another stressful couple of days. On Monday evening we noticed that he was getting a rash and thought maybe it was an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin. He slept horribly that night, the rash spread, he was irritable and noticeably itchy. Most of Tuesday was spent trying to see a doctor (that story would take too long). Eventually we saw a PA who told us it was just heat rash and to keep giving him the antibiotic. I didn't agree with that diagnosis and neither did my Mom, so we disregarded it. (By the way, Deb and Renee, I'm not bashing PA's, just this particular one!) Cardale saw the Dr. today and he agreed it was an allergic reaction to amoxicillin.
It has been a rough 10 days for Cardale and our family. We knew foster care would be hard, but you never know what "hard" means until you're in it. I felt like today we are starting to see some sun through the clouds. Cardale is starting to make eye contact with us and he actually laughed a couple times. I wish I had a picture of myself yesterday. I did my first outing with all 3 kids. I had the diaper bag over my shoulder, carried Cardale in the infant carseat, had Isaac on my hip, and Caleb holding onto the diaper bag. I felt like a pack mule!:) I don't think I'll be doing many trips on my own with the kids.:)
Oh, and I forgot to mention last week that we got the results from Isaac's allergy test. He does have a milk allergy. He isn't allergic to any other foods, so that is a blessing. The Dr. said he may outgrow it in 6-12 months, we'll have to see. Now I need to learn how to cook dairy-free!
My apologies for my lack of comments lately. You have been in my prayers, but I haven't had a chance to catch up on your blog until today. I'm now rethinking my "stressful" day on Monday when I watched my 4-month old nephew. :) Only one infant sounds like easy street now!
Side note from an earlier post...we packed away our high chair because Micah doesn't use it. I can haul it out of my basement if you want it. We won't need it for a while! :) Let me know!
I'm glad to hear that Isaac's allergy is "only" to milk. We'll be praying that he outgrows it. In the meantime, it sounded like Beth had great dairy-free recipes! I'm afraid I'm no help in that area.
I'll end this book of a comment by saying I can't help but laugh at your pack mule reference. You did kind of sound like one. :) I think you should put in an order for a third hand.
You are in my prayers!!!
Oh girl! Just reading this makes my head spin!
If I were up there i would take Caleb one day a week so you could have a LITTLE break. I wish I were up there to help you. Poor girl. BREATHE, BREATHE. . .
Praying for you honey!
Oh Stacy! You have your hands so full right now.
I hope that Cardale is able to adapt and overcome some of his challenges very soon. I'm sure that being with you guys is a HUGE blessing in his young life. You're doing a great thing.
I'm glad that you have results of Isaac's allergy tests now. At least now you know what you can do to help him not break out in that horrible rash. Hopefully he'll outgrow it quickly!!
Praying for strength and rest for you!
Oh my goodness! I got stressed just reading your post! Yikes! Hang in there. Lots of prayers coming your way. :) I'd be happy to help you brain storm dairy free ideas. Until we got used to things, we ate a lot of pasta, rice, meat, and veggies w/ various seasonings. Good luck. My advice would also be to go to the library and get some dairy free cookbooks, then buy the one you like. You CAN do it!!
Oh, wow, yes hang in there. Inspiring is the word I keep coming back to when I think of the mission God has called you to right now!
As for the PA, it would seem he or she violated the first rule of pediatrics....always listen to the parent, they see the baby more than you do! Hopefully I will remember that in the ER!
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