Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Another First

Getting ready for school!
Home from preschool and still smiling!
Last day of Dash and Splash at the gym.

Caleb had his first day of preschool today! The day went so smoothly, I never would have predicted how well he did. Your prayers for him definitely worked! He was very excited and didn't shed any tears or talk about being scared. He was a little nervous when we got there, but was ok when I left. He was all smiles when I picked him up and said he had alot of fun! It helped that his teacher came to the house last week to meet him, so he was comfortable with her. He has school in the mornings, Monday-Thursday.

My morning was wonderful today! I had a taste of how Moms of older kids get so much done. Cardale takes a long morning nap and Isaac takes a 1/2 hour nap too. So for 30 minutes I had the house to myself. I got so much done! I could get used to this school thing.:) However, I was a little sad to see my first baby going to school. Where does the time go?

Now that Caleb is going to preschool, he can no longer attend the dash and splash program at the gym. I really wish the gym offered the class in the afternoon too. He made alot of progress in that class and is more comfortable in the water.

Cardale is officially crawling now. We'll have to post a video clip of that soon.


Rozema Family said...

Is it bad that I'm kind of happy Loren missed the cut-off by 2 months for Pre-school this year :)

Congratulations to your big boy!

Janna said...

I'm glad school went so well. How awesome to have that morning time for you while the little ones sleep!

DeMaster Family said...

Don't feel bad about keeping her home another year! I am glad I didn't send him to 3 yr old preschool and had him home for another year.:)

zeeny said...

What a fun sad day! Fun for him...sad in a way for you. I just sent M off to first grade yesterday! Time goes way too fast! It is nice though to have some alone time with B. Have fun with your other little guys!

RuthAnn DeMaster said...

We are so proud of our first school boy. He certainly looks happy. I'm sure he will have a great year.

Lisa said...

Wow - I can't believe Caleb is going to school already. He looks so grown up!

Lisa said...

Wow - I can't believe Caleb is going to school already. He looks so grown up!