Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Too cute

This morning I was feeling down about my current role in life. I was struggling with how my life seems so repetitive and unfulfilling at times. Of course, God has a way of breaking thru my pity party. See the previous pictures for the reminders I received. Isaac and Cardale will play off each other- which can be good or bad. Today at lunch they were laughing at each other and putting the washcloths on their heads. As soon as they saw Caleb and I laughing they were quite proud of themselves.

Then tonight Caleb was in one of his non-stop talkative moods. He informed me that if I got stuck on a rhino's back he would jump on the rhino and rescue me because he was brave of rhinos. I'll keep that in mind the next time I get stuck on a rhino. Caleb is also convinced that we are going to get a baby girl and he is telling everyone. We've been talking about the adoption and we keep telling him that we don't know who God will give us, it could be a boy or girl. Caleb will hear none of it. He keeps saying he needs a baby sister and doesn't want another brother. We'll see what happens with all of that.:)


Beth said...

I'm glad I no longer have to worry about you when you're on a Rhino's back :0) At least our children are occasionally good for a laugh.
Hang in there! Feel free to call if you ever need to chat.

Janna said...

Can I take Caleb along if I ever go on a Safari trip in Africa? I love it!

You are an awesome mom, even though many days you may not feel like it. You're doing and great job with your kids!

Mom J said...

I love the wash cloth pics! And I would love to know what book Caleb has been reading that has rhinos in it.

RuthAnn DeMaster said...

I have to tell you that these photos make me laugh even from a great distance. Great sense of humor you have and good timing with the camera. Wish I was there. Hugs to all.