Thursday, May 26, 2011

Overwhelming Cuteness

I just have to share some recent kid cuteness. Yesterday Isaac found some silly putty. For the rest of the day he called it, "silly pilly" with a very serious face. Of course now he says it to be funny because I laugh every time he says, "silly pilly."

The boys are into giving "zerberts." Your family may call it blowing raspberries, but you know what I mean. They love to give Julia a bedtime zerbert- I know, they are wonderful brothers. Tonight Isaac had a bare back and Julia ran over and gave him a zerbert. She had perfect form and sound effects, it was hilarious.

This afternoon Caleb and Isaac were playing together. Caleb was getting frustrated and asked Isaac, "Why are you copying me? Stop it!" Isaac replied, "Because you are my best friend." Holy moly I just about started crying. I'm getting teary just writing about it.

And tomorrow I'll probably write about how the kids are little terrors! Gotta love 'em.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Thanks for posting these! And that is super sweet about Caleb being Isaac's best friend =) Love those kiddos!