This past Sunday was Orphan Sunday. This Sunday was observed in churches across America and across the world. This year our church didn't focus the whole service around orphans, but the pastor gave me about 7 minutes to speak. This is the video that was shown. I reminded people that many non-Christians care for orphans and do a great job, so how is Christian orphan care different? Our motivation is different. We care for orphans because God mandates it in the Bible, but also because God loved and reached out to us when we were orphans. God reached into our messiness and adopted us. We love because He first loved us. Ultimately we care for orphans to bring glory to God. I also highlighted upcoming events at our church. The deacons told me that the Thanksgiving offering will go towards the church adoption fund. I was floored when I heard that, I hadn't even asked! It's exciting because I think some families will start their own adoption process soon and we'll have some funds to help them. Awesome! In December an international children's choir, His Little Feet, will perform at our church. The choir members are children ages 6-11 yrs old and they come from orphanages in Ethiopia, Honduras, and India. I think these children will amaze people. I'm very excited about the choir!
On Sunday afternoon Nate and I went to an Orphan Sunday event in Holland. The event featured great speakers and a wide array of topics were covered. We felt the event was put together really well. We went to a break-out session about honoring birthparents. The speaker gave some good insights and advice for us to think about.
I love hearing stories about how God moves his people thru Orphan Sunday. If I hear some great stuff, I'll let you know!
So thankful that you're so willing to step out and share what you're learning and help others to gain a passion for helping care for kids in need. What a blessing you are for your own kids/family, but many other families and children too. :)
This made me cry! My Brother and Sister in law's daughter is in Bulgaria now and we are anxiously awaiting her arrival. I can't wait to get our precious niece in our arms! Thanks for sharing!!!!
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