Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Interview with the boys

I came across this fun idea on pinterest and here is the website: http://pepperbuttons.blogspot.com/2011/10/21-questions-to-ask-your-kids.html

21 Questions to Ask Your Kids

I asked Caleb and Isaac, Julia is too young to really get the idea. I asked the boys at separate times so they wouldn't copy each other.

1. What is something Mom always says to you? Caleb- No. Isaac- no answer
2. What makes Mom happy? Caleb- Doing good things. Isaac- saying sorry
3. What makes Mom sad? Caleb- doing bad things. Isaac- not being nice
4. How does Mom make you laugh? Caleb- tickle Isaac- tickle
5. What was Mom like as a child? Caleb- crazy. Isaac- don't know
6. How old is Mom? Caleb- 33. Isaac- 62 or maybe 22
7. How tall is Mom? Caleb- 23 inches. Isaac- 100
8. What is Mom's favorite thing to do? Caleb- cook. Isaac- stay in the house and do work
9. What does Mom do when you're not around? Caleb- clean, stuff around the house Isaac- take a nap
10. If Mom becomes famous what will it be for? Caleb- the house. Isaac- what does famous mean?
11. What is Mom really good at? Caleb- tickling me Isaac- shoveling
12. What is Mom not very good at? Caleb- the computer Isaac- walking on ice
13. What does Mom do for her job? Caleb- stay at home, take care of Julia Isaac- clean house
14. What is Mom's favorite food? Caleb- pizza Isaac- hamburgers
15. What makes you proud of Mom? Caleb- cooking for me Isaac- don't know
16. If Mom was a cartoon character who would she be? Caleb- Elmo Isaac- Dora
17. What do you and Mom do together? Caleb- shopping Isaac- tickling
18. How are you and Mom the same? Caleb- brown eyes Isaac- have sweatshirts
19. How are you and Mom different? Caleb- older and younger Isaac- Mom has longer hair
20. How do you know Mom loves you? Caleb- reads books to me Isaac- don't know
21. Where is Mom's favorite place to go? Caleb- store Isaac- exercising

I found this exercise funny and a little humbling. And I'm trying to not be sad that Isaac didn't have an answer for "how do you know Moms loves you?" Someday I'll have to ask Julia these questions, I'm sure there would be more interesting answers!


Mom J said...

Funny! Isaac just does not know how to process the questions. He knows you love him.

Stephanie said...

Haha! Oh that was so great. And I agree with mom, Isaac just doesn't understand those deep questions yet =) Clearly the boys are impressed by your cleaning, cooking and tickling abilities ;)

EAJ said...

Great answers! Thinking of what you 3 kids would have said back in the day to these questions...have some good ideas.
Dad J

Robin Gilbreath said...

This is a great post. I love hearing what kids have to say to these kinds of questions. Maybe I'll try this with my boys.