Thursday, December 3, 2015

After China

First neighborhood walks

Bathtime with Stephen

Meeting Dallas and Keira

Big brother 

History repeats itself.  Isaac holding Julia's cup and Stephen holding Lexi's

Funny family picture

Caleb is a great big brother

Lexi loved the beach!

Time with Dallas 

Trying the kiddie pool

Stephen got a sword from China

Julia is a great sister
So, what happened after China?  Lexi was not very excited about her new siblings.  Eventually she warmed up to them.  Julia had an expectation of a baby sister that would sit in her lap and cuddle, well a 14 month old sister who wanted to move dashed that dream! It took about a week for Lexi to adjust to the 12 hour time difference.  She would wake up every night for 2-3 hours, just wanting to play.  Nate and I were exhausted too so it was a rough week.  I tried to combat her jet lag by getting her outside in the sunshine often and scheduling her naps at normal times.  Lexi loved taking walks, swinging and playing in the kiddie pool.  She did not like the feel of grass. Lexi took her bottles well, but wasn't interested in table food.  She would eat baby food, so that's where we started. I tried to carry Lexi in a baby carrier everyday and was intentional about playing with her.  We had friends bringing meals which allowed more bonding time with Lexi.  Lexi loved being silly, tickled, thrown in the air and wrestled.  Hearing her laugh was the best.  About a week after being home, Lexi started walking!  It was a gift to watch her hit that milestone.

For souvenirs we got the older boys metal swords and a wall hanging.  Julia and Lexi received matching silk dresses and fans.  Stephen got a wooden sword.  We bought a tea set and tea for our friend Amy who babysat the kids.  We also bought a tea set for the girls to play with.

We had about one week at home before we took our first family vacation together!

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