Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Playing at the park


I love blue ice cream, until it makes me sick

Hanging out during Caleb's soccer practice

Apple picking

Nate's 36th birthday


I don't know why he poses like this

Everyone wanted to pick apples
September found us back in the school schedule.  For Labor Day weekend we stayed in the area.  I took the kids to Hastings for a visit.  Nate and the older 3 also spent a night camping in a friend's backyard.  It was hot and not much sleep happened.  But the kids enjoyed the giant slip n slide and playing with friends.

Nate and I were interviewed and filmed for a documentary that Bethany is putting together.  The documentary is going to follow 3 families as they adopt an older child.  The goal of the film is to dispel myths and fears people may have about adopting older children or kids with special needs.  Our little interview might be used in the film or it may not.  Either way it was pretty cool to be asked to share our adoption stories.

The outage began in September.  Nate had a different position this time so he had to work continuous night shifts for 30 days.  It was as fun as it sounds. He was exhausted by the end and so was our family, but God brought us through again.

In early September, Nate's Mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer.  It was a devastating and shocking blow.  Nate was able to fly down and spend time with her in the hospital before the outage began.  Mom was then released to hospice at home.  Trying to process what was happening with Mom while working the outage was challenging for Nate.  It was hard for all of us.

Caleb celebrated his 11th birthday in September, but I'll write about that in his birthday post!

Nate celebrated his 36th birthday.  Since he was working night shifts, I made cinnamon rolls instead of a cake.  We had his birthday meal at breakfast- right when he got home from work, before the kids went to school.  I am proud of Nate.  He worked extremely hard during the outage and it was noticed and appreciated by the higher ups.  Nate also received his shift manager status, something he has worked towards for awhile.  Nate is just a great Dad.  He appreciates each of the kids uniqueness and strives to show them love in ways they understand.  And he is one fantastic husband- supportive, funny and loving.  We love him very much!

I took the kids apple picking a couple times.  They love apple picking and they pick alot of apples! Which I then have to do something with when we get home, usually applesauce.

Nate is a cadet leader again this year.  Isaac was excited to begin cadets and Caleb is in his last year.  We wanted Julia to attend Korean language school again, but it was too difficult this fall with a new baby and Nate working the outage.  We are hoping to find other Korean language options.

Lexi became a teething maniac. She came home with 4 teeth, but soon grew a mouthful. Which meant she was crabby, not sleeping well and had a runny nose for about a month straight.  She loved being outside and Caleb could watch her for a little while.  The weather in September was awesome and the kids spent alot of time outside.  

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